Services provided by environmental sector including ;
1. Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is a process of evaluating the likely environmental impacts of a proposed project or development, taking into account inter-related socio-economic, cultural and human-health impacts, both beneficial and adverse. The EIA report is submitted to the Department of Environment (DOE) for approval.
2. Environmental Management Plan (EMP)
The environmental management plan (EMP) is a plan or programme that seeks to achieve a required end state and describes how activities have or could have an adverse impact on environment which will be mitigated, controlled and monitored. The EMP has been designed to ensure appropriate measure are taken to handle significant impact issues that most likely to arise during the construction and operational phase of a project. In order to achieve the EMP target, thus the environmental specifications or recommendations are made.
3. Environmental Audit
The environmental audit programme is prepare to track and ensure that the appropriate environmental protection and pollution control measures. The audit should be undertaken routinely by the audit team to ensure that the appropriate environmental protection and pollution control mitigation measures are properly implemented. The audit should include the general environmental conditions in the area of the site and the pollution control and mitigation measures within the sites. It should include the general environmental condition outside the site area which is likely to effected, directly or indirectly by site activities.
4. Environmental Quality Monitoring
Environmental Quality monitoring program is prepare in order to comply the approval condition of the EIA study. The main purpose of this section is to elaborate the programmes of environmental monitoring and assessment that should be managed by the company. The programme would be classified into two phases, namely, project development and project operation.